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There a new error, how can you miss it? It s*cks

There a new error, how can you miss it? It s*cks

We do get such emails at times where the client who comes back and says "There is a error, this page is not loading, how can you ignore it? very bad execution". We certainly don't enjoy it, at the management level we feel bad, at the team level we feel frustrated as we really take care of the projects. There is no excuse for such errors, we are constantly improving the process to ensure low errors and ensuring that the same mistake is not repeated.

But the reality is

The errors will come up, when the traffic grows, when you add some special character, when you add a different type of file and so many permutation and combination. What is more important is:

  1. Who is taking care of your website? Do you have a internal webmaster who is looking at logs, who is looking at webmaster console (for 404 errors), who is running website check systems 

Will be completing it.