Special PPC Offer
Yes, we have special offers for you. There are two types of offers, one is for Indian clients and other is for International clients.
Offers for Indian Clients (Adwords)
This offer is appicable for clients who have either,
- Never used adwords or
- Used adwords but want to create a new account
What is the offer?
Spend 2000 INR & Get 2000 INR for free
In this offer, you can spend 2000 INR in adwords and we will give you additional 2000 INR media budget for free. So all you need to pay is 2000 INR(consultancy) + our consultancy(Min.is 10000 INR) and your ad will be shown for 4000 INR media budget.
Spend 8000 INR & Get 8000 INR for free
Almsot similar to previous offer, this offer gives you additional 8000 INR free media budget over your spent which has to be more or equal to 8000 INR. So you need to pay to us 8000 INR + 10,000 INR(our consultancy) and we will run your ad with the media budget 16,000 INR.
Offers for International clients
Pay per performance offer
In this offer you ned to give consultancy for the first 3 months and after that we will run it in pay per performance model where you will pay only when you get results. So there is no concept of consultancy but it becomes pay per sale or conversion. No conversion, no need to pay. so your costing is for the first three months only, after that you pay only when you get results.
Min. consultancy is $200/month, so for 3 months min consultancy is $600/3 month and after that pay per conversion.
Consultancy Charges offer
Our standard charge is 15% of the ad budget but if your ad budget is more than $5000 then we will decerase our consultancy from 15% to 10% (huge jump, right?)